Sunday, September 26, 2010

Taipei: Backyard Dinner


with Christina's family and neighbors


Christina herself

her mother and the unhappy Chi Chi (her niece) (not smiling)

later on...birthday cake for BaBa

and later still

and finally, BaBa's (and my!) favorite beverage: Kinmen liquor

Friday, September 10, 2010

Berlin: Conference 2004

For my German 101 students:

Berlin am morgens

Cold War Memorial near Checkpoint Charlie. These died trying to cross over. Installation since removed.

Checkpoint Charlie

Alt und Neue Berlin

Unter den Linden

Brandenborg Tor


Where Hegel lectured


Fr. Diels

Heinrich Heine

Jewish Museum
Not photographic because you really have to walk through it from start to finish.  At the end of the walk there is a place that looks something like this, except...

Taipei: Alley Cat's

Taipei: Office NTUT

Chinese Name: Wa Hong Yi

outside English Department Office with Snoopy gifts from Lucile and Meggy!

Taipei: Neighborhood

I'm at the top

Down the hill toward work.  100F


gaurd house protecting us

immediate neighborhood

Sunday, September 5, 2010