Monday, August 16, 2010

Cortland: Vacation pt 2

Mother's house.

Shady spot in the back yard

...which is my summer study area.

Summer reading. 
(A photograph of a fly on the cover, but the book does not discuss insects.)


Source of the shade's about 80F and slightly breezy: perfect weather for reading.


...I find this quote from Jacques Derrida, responding to a sentence from Roland Barthes's Camera Lucida: "Because we know that, once it [a photograph] has been taken, captured, this image will be reproducible in our absence, because we know this already, we are already haunted by this future, which brings our death" [italic Derrida's; my underlining].

I am struck by the puncta of Derrida's impatience with Barthes (who does not know!) and his robust insistence on the supremacy of knowing.

Later, a fly.

In the backyard next door, two empty chairs facing southwest. 
They look funny. Nobody ever sits in them.

Mother comes out to enjoy the nice weather.

Starting the coals for dinner

...of sausage and yellow squash.

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